[pct-l] Damned it Spock, I Need Answers

Kenneth Schwarz ksksksks at cox.net
Mon Mar 19 19:38:37 CDT 2007

My solutions to recurrent groin area rashes include Econazole Nitrate cream (perscribed by my
dermatologist), cleaning area with wipes that con-
tain witch hazel (Tucks pads), changing into dry
longjohn bottoms at night, and hitting a chlorinated
hot tub or Jacuzzi when available in town. I remember 
Ryan Jordon from Backpacibg Light suggesting the
application of a premixed chlorine dioxide water pur-
ification solution (diluted to prevent chemical burns) for
treating fungal rashes. Chlorine is a great antifungal,
 antibacterial agent. I also switched to a ULA back-
pack that allows my back to get more air and sweat less.
When my back is against the sleeping pad on some of my other packs, I sweat more and it soaks the bottoms, 
initiating a rash. Hope this helps. Ken

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