[pct-l] Carrying Water Advisory

The Mountain Goat themtgoat at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 31 20:58:55 CST 2007

yes, its %10.56 heavier, that means that instead of 2LB per quart of water, you would carry 2.21 LBs for every quart. In addition it would eventually kill you after
about 2 weeks. You would basically be giving yourself "radiation poising",
although technical heavy water is not radioactive...

If you were carrying say 6 quarts of Heavy water, it would weigh about 6.6LB's,
instead of the lighter 6LB's. Just use the normal water. And no building nuclear
bombs while your on the trail, I know it can get a little boring after awhile, but 
stick with it. Manning Park, is just around the next "parallel" maker.

-Mountain Goat-
"Once bitten by the PCT bug"....

AsABat      asabat at cox.net        
     Mon Jan 29 23:17:14 CST 2007          
I strongly advise hikers to NOT carry heavy water. Besides weighing more than 10% more than regular water, it can be toxic. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_water for more information.



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