[pct-l] Campo Start Options

bluebrain at bluebrain.ca bluebrain at bluebrain.ca
Tue Jan 16 13:44:06 CST 2007

That thing about not camping in the first 30 miles is a precaution, not a
requirement.  The idea is that illegals might rob you or touch you in your
no-no places, but I think most are pretty intimidated after just climbing
a fence into another country, hiding from the authorities and the
wish-they-were-authorities, and are none too eager to start their "new
life" by confronting a local.  Americans have a reputation for being armed
to the teeth too, so they probably assume you have a six-shooter down
every pantleg.

Ah, what would the world do without me here to speculate on what mexicans
think?  I should start a daily column in the local paper "What I Think
Mexicans Think Today!"


> Hello from North Carolina.
> I completed the AT in 2002 and have done about 900 miles of the PCT
> (Snoqualmie Pass, WA to Dunsmuir, CA).
> I have a trip planned from Campo to Palm Springs in late April.  I
> planned on arriving in Campo about 6pm on April 19 by bus from San
> Diego.  I can't find anything in the guide books or journals that say
> anything about camping (safely) near Campo.  I did see that you
> shouldn't camp within the first 30 miles of the border if you're alone
> (which I will be).  Do you have any suggestions or can you give me
> someone to contact?  Could I stay near the border patrol station? Is
> there anyone in the San Diego area that would provide transportation to
> Campo early on Friday, April 20 as another option?  My flight arrives
> San Diego at 11am, April 19.
> If there is someone interested in hiking part of this segment with me,
> that's something that could be considered.  I'm a 56 year old male with
> plenty of hiking experience.  I typically do 20 miles days depending on
> terrain, weather and available water.
> Thanks for any advice.
> Boone Trekker
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