[pct-l] Grand Canyon PCT Training Expedition

Hiker97 at aol.com Hiker97 at aol.com
Wed Jan 10 21:11:28 CST 2007

As you know the big Grand Canyon  PCT training expedition is coming up next 
month.  That got me to  thinking.  May be some of you could help with some 
information about the  Indians in the area.  
When we get down to the Colorado  River and Phantom Ranch, is it possible for 
me to ransom off  the expedition women for some horses, blankets, and 
turquoise?  Of  course, I would have to get the expedition's leader (MeadowsEd) 
permission, but  with a small cut of the action, that should work out okay.
I figure  that I could sell the spoils up at the South Rim on the way out for 
 some gas and credits at the lodge.  I plan to come back for future  Grand 
Canyon expeditions, so this is just good  planning
Also, I  understand that a pack train goes down almost everyday to Phantom 
Ranch with  supplies.  This seems like a good opportunity for some ambushes  too.
I am  serious, so give me some good feedback.  Thank you kindly for any info, 
 Switchback the Trail Pirate

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