[pct-l] Ransom and Ambush

Hiker97 at aol.com Hiker97 at aol.com
Fri Feb 16 20:02:46 CST 2007

_Tortoise73 at charter.net_ (mailto:Tortoise73 at charter.net)   writes:

OTOH, a  trail pirate who has accumulated vast amounts of ill gotten loot 
over the  decades should fetch a hefty ransom. And you have rich friends back in 
LV,  which is full of rich gamblers.  If I don't hear from you again, it's  
been nice knowing you.
I wish you had not brought that up.  I had not wanted  to talk about ransoms. 
 I figured I would turn a quick profit at the  auction and then take off for 
the south rim.  Now someone might get the  idea of taking me hostage or an 
ambush before I can get away.  The price  would be all my profits and may be me.  
So, it looks like I might be subject to ambush coming  up the trail just like 
in the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sun Dance Kid.   There are certain people 
on the PCT-L that would do that.  Ambush the Trail  Pirate with his booty.  
There are people that would do it just for the  sport and not even worry about 
the booty.  I know exactly who some of  those people are too.
I know.  I will fool everyone  and head for the north rim.  Cool.  Once again 
the Trail Pirate will  out fox the evil Terminator Female Leadership types 
and rowdy  ambushers.
Switchback the Lame, but Undefeated

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