[pct-l] Huge Powerlines Crossing the PCT in San Diego County

Don Line DON at roel.com
Wed Feb 7 19:45:52 CST 2007

Here we go again !  yes, the proposed power line will cross the trail,
but the vast majority will be out of site from the trail...up to 10
miles away ! (not like the article in the Communicator suggests)  What
damage are you talking about ?  SDG&E is a very environmental friendly
company and takes it's work very serious.  Do you know how transmission
lines are constructed ?  Many time the only access to the towers is via
helicopters.  I've already put my two cents work to the PUC......which I
approve of the needed 'reliable' power that most of California needs. 
And, I'm working in my office as we speak....with the lights on !

>>> "montypct" <montypct at gmail.com> 2/7/2007 5:19 PM >>>
There are proposed 500 kv 16 story tall power lines proposed by San
Diego Gas and Electric that in no way can get from point A to point B
without crossing the PCT.  They will do a lot of damage in other nearby
wilderness areas too.

Here's some more information (from The Wilderness Society) about the
hearing that Monty mentioned last week:

San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDGE) is proposing to build a
massive powerline through designated wilderness in Anza-Borrego Desert
State Park. Wilderness designation should protect wild lands forever.
Unfortunately, there's an exception in California law that allows state
wilderness to be de-designated in some situations. SDGE is attempting to
profit from this loophole. For the first time in California's history, a
state wilderness could lose its protection.

The California State Park and Recreation Commission is the governing
body that can de-designate state park wilderness. They will vote on
SDGE's proposal on February 8. 

Your input is essential - before the Commission votes - so please  come
to the meeting or write a letter to voice your opinion!

If you want to help by simply showing up or even sign up to say a few
words, here's some info:

 (Sierra club announcement)



There's a public hearing at 2:30 with the California public utilities
Commission and 7:00 pm with the California state Parks.

A statement from the PCTA will be read at both.

Free Food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, but maybe
that got some hiker's attention.

Warner Springs Monty
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