[pct-l] RE Bear Avoidance

Adam Bradley tooloouk79852 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 17 15:39:06 CDT 2006

Now here is a funny one,

G) He's woken up when his head hit the ground after a
bear swiped the
food-bag “pillow” from under his head

In my original guidebook the author recommended
sleeping with food under your head or feet.  of course
I thought this ridiculous as I grew up in alaska and
know better.  Yet in the current guidebook the author
caved in to peer pressure and suggested everyone carry
a bear barrel.  To me that lets me know the author of
the "guidebook" really isn't commited or knowledgable
about bear avoidance.  A little wishy washy or no
backbone like jelly fish.  Why would I trust the
authors expertise (triple crown or not) when they
don't seem to know whether they are coming or going
with bear avoidance techniques.

Again one of the many discrepancies with the

I am glad folks are anxiously awaiting the Mythbusters
series.  And remember this is coming from a purist NPT
thru hiker in black fly season....

Listo Del Norte
C2P 2004

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