[pct-l] Simplifying Meal Preparation

Jim Keener jlkeener at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 5 22:01:21 CDT 2006

Two legs,

You surely know how to start a message response!
Thanks for your information. With what you wrote and
others, and with my experience, I plan to not cook -
at least for a big section of the trail. Just thinking
about not carrying a STOVE, FUEL, POT. A pound? And
not having to mess with it. And not having to worry
about getting fuel in town. This could add an hour to
a day - of hking and/or resting. I'm not sure I'm
convinced about Washington, though. You must have a
lot of cold weather experience in Montana. What do you

Thanks again,
 J J

--- Gustafson <montana467 at adelphia.net> wrote:

> JJ, you young pup, I know exactly what  you mean 
> (I'm 63).  When I 
> hike with others, cooking etc., can be shared, but
> alone?  Uh uh.  When 
> I hike solo, I don't cook. Carrying less stuff (no
> pot, stove, fuel, 
> etc.) is extremely important to me now.


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