[pct-l] Reasons for Quiting

Paul Mitchell paul at bluebrain.ca
Tue Nov 14 14:22:48 CST 2006

The common reasons are pretty obvious:

Foot problems
Other physical problems (ankles, knees, etc)
Money problems (not enough of it)

Another common one is not being physically fit enough at the start and/or
having had completely different expectations about what the experience would
be.  When it's REALLY hard right from the start people get quickly

It seems "not enjoying it anymore" is a common one as well.

When we quit the trail in Yosemite, it wasn't that we weren't enjoying it
anymore, but rather that we'd come so far, we were behind schedule, the
amount ahead was overwhelming and it was still hard to meet the daily miles.
The goal of finishing the whole thing on time had become unrealistic.  We'd
skipped the dessert floor section anyway.  I think that was more a part of
it for my hiking partner than it was for me.  I was still enjoying myself
and wanted to see what was around the next bend, BUT, it wasn't hard for me
to quit.  After a couple months out there, I'd done a lot of thinking and
had hatched some new plans about what I was going to do when I got back, and
I was really excited and eager to get them started.

I wonder how common that is?  You'll read a lot of "I miss so-and-so too
much" in journals, but I'm not sure I've ever read "I'm dying to get back
and launch my brilliant campaign to take over the world!  I can't wait till
October to get started!"


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