[pct-l] Mouseproofing

Vic Hanson vichansonperu at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 31 13:47:46 CST 2006

The paint can idea seems good for short trips but was looking for something bigger. Anyone know how much one of the popped corn cans weighs? I assume you are refering to the ones usually available at Christmas time with 3 flavors of popcorn. I hadn't thought of those but sounds like it could work. Anyone tried one?
  This is from the Ursack website:
Is Ursack resistant to rodents, marmots, wolves, etc?   
   Ursack is highly effective against Marmots and raccoons. It should not be considered wolf or dog resistant. That's because they have sharp teeth and strong jaws. Bears have great strength, but their teeth are not sharp.
Other rodents have varying degrees of success. Sometimes mice can chew very small holes, but very little of your food is likely to be taken. Some species of squirrels and (we have heard) pine martens have greater success, and may on rare occasion chew holes in Ursack.    
  Has anyone had a Ursack chewed by mice? They don't eat much of my food even in a plastic baggie but I hate sharing my cookies and brownies, etc. with them.
  Thanks to all for the feedback.
  Sugar Daddy

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