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[pct-l] Esbit-type fuel
Howdy all,
A few days back I posted a little blurb on my experience with
Esbit-type stoves. I posted that I was spending about .50 cents an
ounce for fuel which was incorrect as it is about .25 cents. Sorry
about that. I generally use an ounce worth of fuel to cook a meal
so that works out at .25 cents a meal which I regard as reasonably
cheap. Of course there are cheaper alternatives but not in my
estimation a more compact and lighter one not to mention simple to
use. And there is the "Murphy factor" to consider too. I tend to
shy away from the sort of stoves that they sell "maintenance kits"
for. I've yet to see any hiker swearing at his/her Esbit stove yet.
Scott <scottconover@hotmail.com>
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