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[pct-l] Lost Camera
I'm posting this information for a hiker who lost her camera on the PCT. If
you have any information about the camera, please reply directly to
In a message dated 11/12/99 1:35:51 PM Pacific Standard Time, Jancraven
<< Regarding the camera information, I lost my black Olympus Stylus Zoom
between the bridge north of Kennedy Meadows Campground and about 8 miles
north of there the first week of June.
It had film in it of Owens Lake, Trish and Cheryl, maybe you too, Charlie,
and the beautiful scenery between Horseshoe Meadows and Kennedy Meadows.
On the 4th of July I got a call for a "Dan Craven," and thinking someone was
looking for the wrong Craven family, I didn't hear the caller out. As soon
as I hung up I had a feeling the call was about the camera, and did a call
back to the last number but the number wouldn't accept calls (maybe a pay
phone). If anyone knows anything about the camera and film, I wish they
would please contact me.
Jan Craven
jancraven@aol.com >>
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