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RE: [pct-l] Warmlite sleeping bags

On 11/3/99 11:27 PM Reynolds, Tom reynolds@iLAN.com wrote:

>I love my Stephenson tents but the bags seem too heavy for me. A good down
>bag and a thermarest LE combined weighs less than the Stephenson bag. I had
>Feathered Friends build a GREAT down bag for my son. It weighs about a
>and is good to zero.

Wow! Good to around 0*F (you did mean F, right?) and it only weighs a 
poind. How did they do that?

  ** Ken **

**  Kenneth Knight    Web Design, IT Consultant, Software Engineer  **
**        krk@home.msen.com           http://home.msen.com/~krk     **

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
