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Re: [pct-l] This season's finishers
- Subject: Re: [pct-l] This season's finishers
- From: "Joanne Lennox" <goforth@cio.net>
- Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:38:20 -0700
- Reply-to: <goforth@cio.net>
Florian Yan was the courageous one who apparently crossed the Goat Rocks
traverse partially by crawling ( maybe when you are within 15 miles of your
resupply , that is good motivation).
John Zumstein (sp?) and Chuck Stone(address he gave in Big Bear:
cstone@riscy.forsyth.tec.nc.us) were together when I last saw them at
Palisade Lakes below Mather Pass. John was in the top 15 finishers at
Manning, and I think Chuck dropped out at Echo Lake due to injury(second
hand information).
I saw Jeff Ferrell and Elise MacGregor on Sept 20 near Blowout Mountain
(betweeen Snoqualmie Pass and Chinook Pass). I would count them as
finishing by now.
> From: BLISTERFREE@delphi.com
> To: pct-l@backcountry.net
> Subject: [pct-l] This season's finishers
> Date: Sunday, October 17, 1999 8:41 PM
> It's been great reading about this year's thru-hike success stories, as
> return home and the information slowly trickles in. Congrats to you all.
> particular, I am very pleased to hear of Florian making it to Rainy Pass,
> and presumably all the way in the near future. What a triumph - all the
> from Australia she came, by herself, in her youth, unfamiliar with the
> country, the terrain, the activity. And there she goes pressing on toward
> Canada while I sit around wondering why I'm no longer out there, sitting
> idly by in all of my veteran thru-hiker "expertise." More head than heel,
> as Grandma Gatewood so aptly put it. Of course, the heel gets conditioned
> along the way, too...
> Does anyone have an address for Florian Yan, e-mail or otherwise? Also
> wondering whether the following hikers made it all the way, and how they
> might be contacted: David McQuitty from San Diego (school in Alamosa,
> Damian and John (last seen hiking together, along with Florian, through
> Sierras); Chuck Stone (maybe Margo would know?); Seth Damm (California
> section hiker); Jeff Farrell and Elise McGregor (had an address but can't
> find it now - Santa Cruz address).
> Any info or leads would be great. And to any of these folks who may be
> lurking, drop me a line - and - if you'll be heading back out in '00,
> be in your midst, starting at Trail Pass in early to mid June and
> in Canada.
> - Blisterfree
> * From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | http://www.backcountry.net
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | http://www.backcountry.net *