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[pct-l] bruises...
Congratulations Jen on your successful training! You evidentally learned a
lot. You must have spent a good bit of time practicing several moves and
>Need some advice--I am all bruised and banged up.
Hope you spent a good bit of time soaking in a hot bath today. For the
first 24 hours heat is best and then it is cold compresses if your muscles
still feel terrible. Over the past four years I have tried returning to
using the plants God put on this earth for our medicinal use. I have found
than Arnica is a wonderful pain reliever for muscles. It comes in a gel
form and should be rubbed into the area and left on. Both peppermint and
lavendar aid in circulation and I have mixed both in an aloe vera lanolin
with vitamin A & E oils. This is a great lotion for all your bod! With the
peppermint oil you must be careful not to get it into the eyes or use it in
the water when you soak in the bath -- it burns like h--- you know where!
Both are wonderful in healing damaged muscles and nerves. Aspirin will
aleviate swelling thereby relieving the pressure of damaged tissues on the
nerves. Drink plenty of water and stay away from coffee, sodas and teas for
a few days. And KEEP MOVING! Don't sit and let your muscles freeze up on you
or they will cramp. I'm not saying you have to run a marathon, just slowly
and cautiously work your muscles. This movement will aid in the flow of
blood that ultimately is what cleanes the tissues and heals them
I treat any open wounds with oil of Tea Tree. The British used Tea Tree oil
in their triage during the Crimean War and had very little infections to set
in. Tea Tree oil can be use for treating bacterial, fungal, and viral
problems -- really! The Tia plant comes fron Australia and grows in the
bogs. It is very muskey smelling, kind of like turpentine. I have used
this in my tea when I am getting a sore throat too, tastes yuckey but does
the trick!
Congratulations again! You will mend very quickly and be glad if you ever
have to use self arrest at any time that you endured through your ordeal.
Happy Trail --- Pat
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | http://www.backcountry.net *