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[pct-l] Snow levels in Siskiyou County

To all PCTers who will be in extreme Northern CA. In yesterday's
Siskiyou Daily News (Yreka, CA) "Snowpack Reaching Higher Than Average
Levels Through County.  Recent storms dumped enough snow throughout much
of western Siskiyou County to bring readings to above normal levels. 
Higher than average measurements were recorded for both snow and
equivalent water content throughout the region.  Surveys were completed
earlier this month, and prior to this week's storm."

Not good news but felt it was certainly worth sharing.  This is not the
entire article.  If you'd like to hear all of it please feel free to
e-mail me and I'll copy and mail or fax to you the entire article.

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
