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[pct-l] Duct tape Foes

Hey all you little duct tape doubters out there. Duct is very water proof (
Canoe and kayak people have known this for years as this is still the mend of
choice by water folk) Nothing sticks like duct tape on your feet. I,ve used
moleskin for years which is ok if feet are dry. But wet feet from sweat or wet
boots( ever hike the hoh rain rainforest in the winter?) make moleskin peel
off in time. If Johnson and Johnson is porest and lets in air, it will let in
water. Duct tapes second advantage is it,s very slick. The backing on moleskin
( the part that faces the sock) grabs the sock and can create fiction between
first and second layer of skin even if the first layer of skin is not touched.
This does not happen with duct tape because the sock slides on the tape ( not
grab like moleskin) Third advantage is it,s hard to repair tent poles with
moleskin or a torn rainfly with Johnson and Johnson,s porest breathable type
tape. Ten feet wrapped on a pencil weighs nothing. I will never use anything
else for blisters. Those who disagree have either never used it or work for
Johnson and Johnson.  For more infor ,call 1-800-BITE-ME    ps  I use  one
dollar and 50 cent Goodwill old ski poles for hiking which work well ( 3
summers worth) as treking poles.PS#2 Just try the duct tape once, then talk to
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