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Re: [pct-l] packs
To GAtoME94: I put a strap inside my pack with a ladderloc on it -
attaches middle front to back. This allows me to pull the center of the
outside of the pack in toward my shoulder straps. Kind of flattens the
pack out, or makes it bimodal if pulled in hard. My husband did the same
thing by making a vertical partition down the middle of one of his packs
(could be laced to tighten, or unlaced to remove the partition). I also
flatten out the top of my pack by attaching straps from the shoulder pads,
which because there is not stiffening, I balanced these with the closing
attachments that close the top of the pack( closes opposite most packs -
the top outside edge folds down over the top and attaches on snaplocs above
the shoulder straps). I am still not quite done; waiting for my husband to
set up the Walking Foot, my Bernina can't make it thru all the multiple
layers at the hip- shoulder attachments.
> From: GAtoME94@aol.com
> To: PCT-L@backcountry.net
> Subject: [pct-l] packs
> Date: Saturday, January 30, 1999 3:16 PM
> goforth wrote: Consequently I am thinking about cutting down the sides
> inches which will give me a pack capacitty of 2639 cu inches. And I
> wonder it that will be enough. I am also considering various ways the
> can be loaded to make it more "square". Any suggestions?
> goforth [and others] ... i'm modifying my Frostline pack pattern to add
2" to
> the sides, and am sewing a baffle panel inside the pack, 2" from -and
> to- the backpiece. i'll stuff my sleeping bag into this 2" space, which
> should 1) stiffen and "square" the bag, and 2) act as a lumbar/back pad
> i'm leaving off for weight saving] should have it finished next week or
> if anyone is interested in the results
> blaze
> * From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | http://www.backcountry.net
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | http://www.backcountry.net *