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[pct-l] Stove mania

I was out testing a new little stove today( army canteen trioxane tab type)
and was disapointed with outcome. It was 40 degrees, put stove out side with 1
pint water, came back 10 minutes later, fuel was burnt out, water luke warm.
These tablets are good for maybe fire starter. Alcohol, on the other hand
works great with MSR windscreen. The little sigg burner boils 1 pint in about
7 to 8 minutes and would be great for ultra-lightweight hikers. ( I have 12
stoves at home now, mostly Swedish, but one MSR Model 9 built 1973 plus 3
older little colemans, even a primus model 71) My wife gets tired of me
playing blackout and cooking on these and firing up the Kerosene lamps!  PS.
don,t sell the sweet water filter short in these filter coparisions.
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