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[pct-l] LNT update
Hello All -
Hooboy...the Leave No Trace (LNT) educational program is changing!
The six "Principles of LNT" are being updated to reflect input from the
many LNT trainers out in the field. The exact wording of the updated
principles should be published as soon as the LNT foundation executive
board does the final "i" dotting and "t" crossing in the next month or so.
I will be changing my 15-message email "Intro to LNT" series when the
wording of the change settles down. Should be a GREAT excuse to post the
series on PCT-L again <VBG>!
Another important change is that the LNT foundation has secured corporate
sponsorship for a traveling team of LNT trainers during '99. The team will
operate from March thru November and will be traveling (sponsor's SUV!)
around the country during that time.
The team will be made available to do as much LNT training for as many
gatherings of interested folks as is possible to schedule. The best
training opportunity would probably be for a large group of interested
individuals who could then (with support from the LNT foundation) help
their own organization make LNT available to its membership. Other good
training opportunities might be to do LNT training directly for large
groups of outdoor recreationists. Or for outdoor retailers who provide
outdoor training for their customers. Or for schools who include any facet
of outdoor recreation in their curriculum. Or...or...or...
Almost any training opportunity is worth considering. The team's scheduler
(at the LNT foundation) has promised NOT to have them be in Miami one day
and then Seattle the next. The team will probably move from area to area
around the country...doing as much training in each area as there are
requests and time for. The scheduler needs as much lead time as possible
to allow creation of an itinerary that allows maximum LNT training to occur
without actually doing permanent damage to the team <g>.
I would like for list members to help come up with ideas for training
opportunities for the team. Any organization is fair game (we haven't even
come close to finding all the groups that could make good use of the LNT
educational program!). Any location is fair game. Any time during the
training "season" is fair game. Let's let the scheduler figure it all out!
One obvious choice is the ALDHA-W gathering...where and when will it be
this year? How about the PCTA?
When will the hoss-folk get-togethers be? Mountain bikers? Cavers?
Climbers? "Ultra" backcountry users? Conservation groups? Canoeists?
Rafters? Birders? Girl/Boy Scouts? 4-H? Church outdoor youth groups?
Summer camps? ...the list is almost infinite...
Please email me privately about specific training opportunities and I will
pass them on to the scheduler. Be sure to give me any contact information
that you might have to help set up the training team's visit. The
scheduler will get on the phone (and/or email) and set up as full a
training itinerary as the team can stand!
General suggestions for training opportunities might be a good topic for
list discussion. All of us know about some good groups that could use some
good LNT training...we just might not know that we know. The list always
seems good at helping folks come to know what they didn't know they knew
Give it some thought...let's wear that new SUV out!
BTW, I am always willing to send the current version of the "Intro to LNT"
email series to anyone interested. I have compiled the "Scout version"
into a MSWord doc (29 pages, TOC, title page, etc.) that I will be happy to
send out (attached to email) in any format that my copy of Word (for Mac,
v6.0.1) will "save as".
Trace No Leaves,
- Charlie II AT (MEGA'93)
PCT (Mex@Can'95)
Chipping away at the CDT
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | http://www.backcountry.net *