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RE: [pct-l] Faster???

> "Has anyone ever gone that slow?" Even slower ... I know a lady who
> hiked the
> entire trail, but took 13 years to finish. Did she enjoy it? You bet
> she did.
> I'm a section hiker; have been for 4 years and I've completed less
> than half
> the PCT. It may take me four more years to finish, but if I enjoy
> hiking the
> PCT, who cares how long it takes me? I don't.
	[Tim]  Speaking of going slow; in 1996 we meet a lady doing her
last section of the PCT.  She had been hiking one section year since
1972.  In her 24 years of hiking she had seen many changes to the trail
and her life.  When she started she was single, when she finished she
was married with had several grown children.
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
