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[pct-l] Re:ALDHA-WEST meeting

The ALDHA-West GATHERING is October 3-4-5 and will be held out in Cascade
Locks, OR, about 50 miles east of Portland in the Columbia River Gorge.
Brice Hammack is Registrar, E-mail him for information at Brita1919@aol.com.

The ALDHA(-East) GATHERING is October 10-11-12 and will be held at Dartmouth
College, Hanover, NH.  Coordinators are Bob Rzewnicki "Rainman" (802)
297-4280, best to call around 9pm, and Karine Kelleher "Blister Sister"
(802) 297-2600, after 10am.

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
