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[pct-l] Windplay's Oregon PCT Questions

RE: OREGON PERMITS: The Pacific Crest Trail Association can answer your
question.  E-mail  "Robert S. Ballou" <71204.1015@CompuServe.COM>

RE:  NEDFORD AIRPORT TO THE PCT:  Give Diamond Lake Resort (800/733-7593) a
call.  They may have a shuttle at least as far as Diamond Lake.  From there
it's not a long hitch up to Crater Lake.

RE: TIMBERLINE TO PORTLAND:  The Bend-Portland shuttle stops in Government
Camp on its way to Portland Airport and the Portland Rail/Bus Station.  It
is run by CAC Transportation, Inc.  (503/382-1687).  There is one shuttle
each way each day, seven days/week except major holidays; reservations
required.  If you're finishing up your walk on weekend when the PCTA
Portland Chapter is doing trail work in the vicinity, you could join them
and then get a ride from someone in the work party.  Refer to the Chapter's
web page for trail work schedule:
Lesya Struz

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
