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[pct-l] Re: pct-l Digest, Vol 35, Issue 36

The 'speed record' depends upon who's records you look at.

I know of several people who thruhiked the PCT, and never (to my knowledge) appeared in journals or any 'records.' However, I'm not sure of their 'speed' (as that apparently wasn't their goal).

There are many people who completely hike the entire PCT each year, that are not among the 'numbers.' I know of a personal friend who is actually out there now. Yep now :) He's not in any hurry...

On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 14:42:46 -0600 Sam Haraldson <samh@samh.net> wrote:
> Someone should ask Andrew what his next project is.
> I've heard him say both at ALDHA-East and at the KC
> presentation that he's trying for a PCT speed record
> in 2006 "because the current record is really weak".

What is the current PCT speed record?

- Mule

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