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[pct-l] saving your pictures

 My suggestion is, of course, the one I am taking. The Nikon Coolpix S4. It 
has 6 Mp, a 10X optical zoom (a real plus with this small of a camera), 
takes AA batteries (~400 pix on a set of lithium AAs) and is small and 
lightweight (8 oz). Look into it and compare with others. It came out as 
pretty favorable to me.

> Which cameras to people take on the hike? I have a Canon 350D (aka Rebel 
> XT), which takes nices pics but is far too big and bulky. I'm looking for 
> something lightwieght, at least 4Mp and can run on regular batteries that 
> I can buy along the way. Suggestions?
> ~Craig
> On Tuesday, March 21, 2006, at 08:54AM, Jeff Moorehead 
> <jeffmoorehead1@cox.net> wrote:
>>Three options as I see it:
>>1. Carry as many cards as you'll anticipate using. Expensive option.
>>2. Carry enough cards to capture all desired images between the time you
>>mail off a set of cards to someone who can download them and the time they
>>send them back to you.
>>3. Have a way of downloading and storing data on the cards in your bounce
>>box. Candidates include a poratble stand-alone CD burner (such as EZ
>>Digimagic) or any one of the portable hard drives that don't require a
>>computer interface (these are still expensive however).
>>>what do you do when you fill up the memory card and still have more
>>>pictures to take?
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