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[pct-l] PCT 2005 Thru Hike Presentation

I went down to the Sahara library  here in Las Vegas Thursday evening to see 
Teflon give his PowerPoint  presentation on his north-south thru hike.  Very 
nice.  He  demo'd some of his gear too.  This was at the Las Vegas 
Mountaineering  Club monthly meeting.
He organized his slides by category  instead of just moving south on his 
hike.  For example, he had trail  angels, gear, resupply, etc.  Each slide had 
several pictures illustrating  the category.  I had not seen that format before. 
His parents were there too and we  had a nice conversation.  They are on this 
List.  It is a little scary  to meet people on this List.  You never know if 
there might  be retribution and payback for my posts.  Heh, heh,  heh.
Cheers, Switchback
No Mountaineer & Camp  Napper