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[pct-l] was heroes/now reality

Reality is an apple.  Perception is the picture of an
apple that is drawn when different people look at it. 

Well perhaps its not that simple but I still like the

Reailty is both concrete and created.  It is a strange
thing that in some ways both binds and defines us, yet
is itself molded by us.  It is also the limits we
place upon ourselves.

If anyone wants a quick fun cool read about reailty:
Illusions by richard bach (im pretty sure).

--------------Junaid #41PCT2006
who definitely lives in his own personal reality.
--- cmkudija@earthlink.net wrote:

> Hey, Switchback, I'm not even apologizing.  Thanks
> for a wonderful essay on
> the metaphysics of hiking, and heroes and truth.  I
> give you carte blanche
> on the prayer & meditation topic.
> I once took a poetry class at UCSB where my final
> project was to compare and
> analyze two poems by Wallace Stevens, a great
> 20th-century American poet.
> The poems dealt very much with reality and one's
> impressions of what was
> real - and how those impressions altered "reality,"
> so to speak - how what
> is real to us is framed by how we perceive it, and
> that we make things
> "realer" by paying attention.
> Problem was, my professor hated the word "reality." 
>  So even though all the
> secondary sources I used mentioned how Wallace
> Stevens wrote of "reality,"
> (and so I consciously chose to use the term), my
> professor cringed a little
> reading my paper, and told me so in the notes on the
> final effort.  He was
> perceptive (ahem) enough to give me a decent grade,
> though.
> Dragging this post into PCT-land, do we make the
> trail more "real" by our
> experience of it?  I think so.
> Christine "Ceanothus" Kudija
> PCT partially '94
> www.pcta.org
> Join Now!
> Never measure the height of a mountain until you
> have reached its top.  Then
> you will know how low it was.
>                 Dag
> Hammarskjold
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