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[pct-l] Holiday Cheers....
Darn it,
I just typed a big old reply to this post, but failed
to change the reply thing so that it only went to
steel-eye. then the back button didn't give me the
page WITH my reply. errrr. Steel eye, if you feel
like reposting the email I sent you, my fellow nerds
might appreciate it.
Mahalo-----------Junaid #41PCT2006
computer mucker upper
> Sharon & Chuck Chelin <chelin@teleport.com> wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> If the traditions are based upon the changing of the
> seasons noticed by
> ancient peoples, it must have been only a sometimes
> thing because the earth
> does not always have seasons. The seasons are caused
> by the tilt of the
> earth's axis away from being parallel to its axis of
> revolution around the
> sun. Currently this off-angle is at it's maximum of
> about 22.5 deg. Over a
> total period of 25,800 years this axis will have
> moved to zero, then on to
> 22.5 deg. the other direction, across zero again,
> and back to where it is
> now. From where we are now to zero deg. of tilt,
> either in the past or in
> the future, is then only one fourth of this cycle,
> which is 6,450 years, and
> well within the human period. It also means that
> 12,900 years ago the
> northern hemisphere had it shortest day in June just
> like Australia has now.
> This phenomenon is called precession.
> With zero inclination of the earth's axis, the sun
> will rise in the same
> place every day of the year, and thus there will be
> no seasons. One
> significance of this is a change in the distribution
> of heat across the
> planet. With zero inclination and the sun always
> over the equator, the
> equatorial areas will become unusually hot, and the
> polar areas will become
> unusually cold. It's much like twirling a
> marshmallow on a stick
> perpendicular to the fire: The center burns and the
> ends stay white.
> People who study these things try to equate the
> various ice ages with
> precession.
> So, the bottom line is, you PCT hikers in the Class
> of 8,456 will not have
> to worry about beating the seasons during a thru
> hike, but it will be really
> hot in SoCal, and you may have to finish the hike on
> a fully developed
> glacial ice cap. Also, don't use old year-2000
> celestial navigation data.
> Polaris will no longer be the pole star because it
> will be revolving with
> the others 22.5 deg off north.
> Steel-Eye
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