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[pct-l] PCT food and lodging guide updated
Your guide is great! So nice to hear from you, always. Hope you and your
beautiful family are well; is your daughter excited about Christmas? She's
such a wonderful age for it all (unlike my jaded self!).
I was wondering who the audience is for your guide; if it's the hiking
community, I've no qualms about you including more information about us and
what we do for hikers, with any pertinent information, such as my email
address. We're in the Town Guide and Yogi's book already, so please feel
free -- you have our permission! OTOH, if it's a broader non-hiker audience,
what you've said is just perfect; you might want to include info on the
great restaurants, Vasquez Rocks, and the winery for those folks.
Anyway, got to work on Trail Fest stuff tonight . . . e-ya soon.
-----Original Message-----
From: pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net
[mailto:pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net] On Behalf Of David Plotnikoff
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 11:25 AM
To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: [pct-l] PCT food and lodging guide updated
Hello from a long-time list-lurker and section hiker.
I'm pleased to announce "Best on the Crest," my modest Web guide to lodging
and restaurants along the PCT, has undergone a major update. The guide, at
http://www.emeraldlake.com/pctguide now features:
-- New complete pages for all trail towns from Campo through Kennedy
Meadows (south).
-- Revised pages for all trail towns from Kennedy Meadows through
Willamette Pass.
-- A new, comprehensive list of lodging contacts (but not complete reviews)
from Willamette Pass through Manning Park, which could be a planning aid to
the Class of 06.
-- An appendix containing hyperlinks for each of the National Forest, BLM,
national park and state park jurisdictions the PCT passes through.
-- An appendix containing hyperlinks to other PCT resources on the Web,
including my Topo! maps of sections A-G, Craig's PCT Planner, a selection
of excellent journals, etc.
David Plotnikoff
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