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[pct-l] Dirt Bikes & New PCT Solution

Well, this is not a solution, but another way to fight back against the destructive dirt bikers on the PCT.  I propose that the PCTA offer a reward for turning in abusers of the PCT.  Up on apprehension, fine, or conviction of the trail abuser, the PCTA would provide a $25, $50, or $100 reward.  A rich person out there has to make an endowment to the PCTA for funding the reward program.
PCT trail signs would have a depiction of a cell phone with a dollar ($) sign and explanation of the program.  In other words, there would be a bounty for these knuckleheads and they would know it.
I would be willing to do a simple description form like I have done for the police department here in 
Las Vegas: "Witness Description Program".  It would have an outline of a person and various lines to write a physical description.  Also, along the sides would be various off road vehicles to circle with a pen.  There would be other things too, but you get the idea.  Of course, this would be a free design service for the PCTA by your hiking buddy, Switchback.
Cheers, Switchback
PCT Bounty Hunter & Dirt Bike Repo Mountainman