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[pct-l] cat, pepsi stove stands

I use a stove stand which looks suspiciously like the one pictured here:
It's just a piece of chicken wire.  Works incredibly well, just don't step on it.

Garret Christensen <garretchristensen@yahoo.com> wrote:
My contribution to consumerism on black friday was in
the form of fiberglass insulation and cat food. So
now I've made my stove, and I'm wondering about it. 
Does everybody use a stand to keep the pot elevated
above the cans? I've used pepsi stoves a bunch
without a stand; you put the pot right on there, and
the flames come out the tiny holes you poked around
the rim, nice and even. I thought that was kinda the
point, but I've seen people use pepsi stoves with
stands. The cat stove works even if the pot sit right
over the big top hole, but that's probably not how
things are intended. thoughts?

the onion

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