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[pct-l] Thru Thinks

     Thru Thinks.
  These are the sorts of things that help me pound out the thru-hike miles. What keeps you going?
      Most fears are artificially induced by social authority for  the sole purpose of controlling our behavior to benefit them. 
      My spirituality is expressed by the continuous creation my  future. There is no fate. The present and the future are driven by events  initiated in the past. The actions of Genghis Kahn have shaped this modern  world as much as the actions of Jesus and Socrates, a million other people and  countless natural events. These chains of cause and effect are not sacred. We  can and do end old ones, modify existing ones, exempt ourselves from even the  most powerful of these causal chains and start completely new ones. 
      Dog Names
      I have finally figured out how to look at the problem of  real names vs. trail names. A so called real name is a dog name. We are tagged  at birth with a name that other people can control us with. Speak! Fetch!  Submit & Obey! When we take trail names, social authority no longer has a  convenient way to make us do their bidding. It confuses them and keeps us on  the path to self ownership. 
      Words and terms are navigation beacons which help show a  path through the darkness of thought and communication. However, words and  terms without good definitions provide poor light or no light at all leaving us  to wander pointlessly.
      The term Personal Integrity comes from the engineering  concept of structural integrity. With structural integrity, if too much error  accumulates in the system, catastrophic failure occurs. Likewise with Personal  Integrity, if you lie to yourself, you are distorting your ability to accurately  perceive reality and will eventually fail to manage your life in some  significant way. 
      Open Premise Faith
      It is not possible  to know everything needed to take action. We must accept on faith more than we  sometimes care to admit, but an open premise faith allows us to alter the faith  as needed and to change the faith into knowledge when that becomes possible.  Closed Premise Faith does not permit this. 
      Moderation of  Appetites
      The animal side of  our lives is to be well cared for and cherished and sometimes indulged but not  to habitual excess. The reason is that these animal appetites are powerful  enough to overwhelm our ability to control them leading to gluttony, addiction,  greed, cruelty, vanity, and chronic fear, among other spiritually corrupting habits.
      Truth as a Means  not an End
      All conclusions are  conditional. The information from which a conclusion is drawn changes and may  change the conclusion or even invalidate it. If a conclusion is declared to be  TRUTH it resists change and twists the facts to serve it.
      Ownership of Self
      Without  ownership of self there can be no rights, only permissions.
  Modern  morality is a command and control system. It divides all human action into good  or bad according to how it benefits the various social authorities. Not  surprisingly, the various social authorities have conflicting agendas and so  make conflicting demands on people. One of the primary methods that social  authority uses to successfully make and maintain these conflicting demands is  to twist the definitions of words and terms to lock in obedience and mangle  independent thought. This is why a study of the Logical Fallacies are so  important. 

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