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[pct-l] o5 list

I emailed Panda off list about his ?s as to whos who where when etc for the
class of 05 and thought i should posy something here as well.

In the past (before email) it would take me close to a year to get a real
good list together and lots of this work was done by me being up to Sthekin
for a week or so and working with Bob Nortons list in Skykomish...Once we
also got the journal from the monument at the border!!!!!Seems someone had
left it out on the ground and the next person signed it and did not realize
the top of the monument had a lid on it. So not wanting to leave it to get
wet took it with them and forwarded it to Harriet in Canada who sent me a
copy.....Not a bad idea if its the last person to arrive there but not
knowing who or when that person is the caboose its not a good idea....I hope
this year having Cedar hiking the trail and employed at Manning Par may
solve that problem for 05.

We have seen at the kickoff a need to have a goto person from each class of
past hikers....This allows us to have to contact one person in '03 for
example to pass on or receive info from rather then trying to reach everone.
I think Nabor Jay from 05 is working on some stat list or photo dvd so maby
he can simple count the noses from this year.

All that said and done i plan on going to ken. mdws this sat to see whos
there or headed there.....

Meadow Ed