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[pct-l] lost photo card/toiletries case at tuolumne meadows

Hi Miriam
I was at Tuolumne Meadows when Hidalgo hiked out.  Some of the others there (Batteries Included and co.) saw the bag and assumed it belonged to him, so Batteries asked Tarzan to take it since he was next to leave, thinking he'd catch up to him.  I think he was only an hour or two behind Hidalgo...sounds like he didn't catch him.  You may be able to send an email to Tarzan, since he has a pocketmail and is posting a journal.   Try  www.pcthike.org 

"Hill, Miriam" <hillmb@phillynews.com> wrote:
PCT Hiker Nick Simon, AKA Hidalgo, lost a toiletries kit at Tuolumne
Meadows. We're looking for ways to help him find it even though he hiked out
of there a few days ago. It contains a photo card with images he's really
like to have. He was camping at Backpacker site 11 on July 9. Any

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