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[pct-l] Glasses and Contacts

Ben - Many people are in the same predicament.  I myself am hoping to have LASIK done & never worry about it again, but until that point...
Before my last long hike in 2003 I switched to Focus Night & Day.  These are approved for continuous wear for up to a month.  I didn't like having my contacts out at night & having to fumble for my glasses, or mess with taking them off & on with sometimes dirty hands.  I would always carry an extra pair, a lens case, and a very small bottle solution of for when it was time to change them and/or unforeseen events, and I would always carry my glasses as a backup.  The compass mirror works great.  
I think most people who wear contacts have had an eye infection at one time or another.  So it's possible but no more likely I think when you're on the trail.  If you do ever have to mess with your eyes out there be sure your hands are as clean as possible.  Purell and/or wipes are great.  If you do get an infection it can be a really uncomfortable couple of days before you get to a doctor.

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