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[pct-l] What I've learned about DEET - maybe it's not so healthyto be around"
> What about the environmental impact of so much DEET? Is that a
> consideration? Leave No Trace Chemicals?
It's a very good thing to consider! Likely there won't be any evidence of
DEET having an environmental impact until it's accumulated in high enough
quantities in some area to be recognized as a problem. I'm no biologist,
but I'd guess that it depends on the half-life of the compound. If it
breaks down quickly, or if it accumulates in soil or water over time. So,
who knows? If it melts your Swiss army knife, it can't be good for the
environment, at least, that seems like sound logic to me.
This article mentions that sunscreen and soap from hikers may be one of the
causes of declining water quality in the Sierras.
Again, I'm not selling anything, I only brought up DEET toxicity concerns as
something to consider.