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[pct-l] Will changing southbound avoid major snow??
Seems like you will have snow in July regardless of how you go. I have done
the North to South PCT from Donner Summit to Kennedy Meadows on my first
trek. It was great (of course, I did it in August). Altitude wise, it is
easier since you start around 7000 ft and don't hit a high pass until Sonora
and then not again until after Tuolumne. Lots of ups and down after Sonora
(sort of surprises the North bounders - it "ain't" easy!). You probably
would have 2 extra weeks of time for things to melt and to get even in
better shape. And have the highest section toward the end. But, the streams
will still be swift on the way. But, not a bad way to go.
Marshall Karon
Portland, OR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dustin Prickett" <dprickett01@hotmail.com>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 6:20 PM
Subject: [pct-l] Will changing southbound avoid major snow??
>I am on a plane to IYK to hike the PCT for the month of July. I was going
>to start at highway 178 and hike north to Tahoe. I am not familiar with
>any of the terrain and all the info I have has come from the guide books,
>Yogi, and the PCT-L. Am I getting myself into any trouble with the snow?
>To avoid serious snow I am debating on starting in Tahoe and hiking to
>Kennedy Meadows. Will this help at all? What is everyone else with July
>Sierra hikes planed doing? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!!
>Thanks, Dustin
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