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[pct-l] Tejon Ranch - GOOD NEWS!
Anyone know when the new section of trail is expected
to be ready for trekking?
--- cmkudija@earthlink.net wrote:
> Thought everyone would appreciate seeing this press
> release!
> Liz Bergeron & Mike Dawson of the PCTA staff have
> been working VERY, VERY
> hard to accomplish our part in the Tejon Ranch
> Preserve project and keep the
> PCTA at the table. I've yet to see the maps, but
> I'm extremely encouraged
> that Liz is quoted in the press release.
> Christine "Ceanothus" Kudija
> PCT partially '94
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tejon Ranch Co. [mailto:alert@ccbn.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:03 AM
> To: cmkudija@earthlink.net
> Subject: Saving the Best of the Best: Environmental
> and Conservation Leaders
> Join Tejon Ranch Co. and the Trust for Public Land
> in Unveiling of
> 100,000-Acre Tejon Ranch Preserve
> Tejon Ranch Co. has added a press release to its
> Investor Relations website.
> Title: Saving the Best of the Best: Environmental
> and Conservation Leaders
> Join Tejon Ranch Co. and the Trust for Public Land
> in Unveiling of 100,000-
> Acre Tejon Ranch Preserve
> Date: 5/24/2005 1:01:00 PM
> For a complete listing of our News Releases, Please
> go to this url:
> 2005--Environmental
> and conservation leaders today joined Tejon Ranch
> (NYSE:TRC) and the
> Trust for Public Land (TPL) officials to unveil the
> much-anticipated
> 100,000-acre, science-based Tejon Ranch Preserve on
> the historic
> ranch, located 60 miles north of Los Angeles.
> The Preserve was mapped after nearly 2 years of
> scientific study
> designed to identify the best of the natural
> resources on the ranch.
> The process included review and recommendations by a
> scientific peer
> review panel and an independent environmental
> advisory group.
> "We are very proud to unveil this preserve
> design based on hard
> science after nearly 2 years of research, on-site
> verification and
> peer review by an independent Science Advisory Panel
> and a group of
> environmental advisers. The Tejon Ranch Preserve
> will protect a
> pristine, unique and historic landscape equal to the
> size of Yosemite
> Valley and twice the size of Santa Catalina Island,"
> said Reed
> Holderman, executive director of the Trust for
> Public Land California.
> Tejon Ranch and TPL also have signed an
> agreement to pursue the
> purchase, by a public agency or non-profit
> organization, in fee or
> through conservation easements, of the land within
> the defined
> preserve boundaries.
> "The proposed 100,000-acre nature preserve on
> Tejon Ranch offers
> an extraordinary opportunity for protection of
> California's wildlife
> heritage," said Natural Resources Defense Council
> senior attorney Joel
> Reynolds. "This acquisition is critical to ensuring
> the preservation
> forever of this essential biological connection
> between the Sierras
> and the mountains of Southern California."
> "The design of the 100,000-acre proposed nature
> preserve on Tejon
> Ranch is an excellent model for science-based
> conservation planning.
> It is designed to protect the best wildlife habitat
> from destruction,
> degradation and fragmentation which are the driving
> forces behind
> today's decline in species and biodiversity all over
> the country,"
> said Paul Henson, Ph.D., assistant manager,
> Ecological Services,
> California/Nevada Operations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
> Service.
> "The preserve design is the result of intensive
> scientific
> research and groundtruthing. Local environmentalists
> reviewed the
> design and offered input. The result is a sound
> preserve rooted in
> science with sensitivity to local environmental
> issues," said attorney
> Carlyle Hall, co-founder and chairman of the board
> of the Center for
> Law in the Public Interest in Los Angeles.
> Overall, the Tejon Ranch Preserve protects the
> habitat of
> threatened and endangered species, preserves
> wilderness areas and
> provides public access as the preserve design
> includes a
> long-hoped-for realignment through Tejon Ranch of
> the Pacific Crest
> Trail, a 2,650-mile long congressionally designated
> scenic trail from
> the Mexican border to Canada.
> "We are excited that the Pacific Crest Trail
> will have a secure
> and permanent corridor as part of the Tejon Ranch
> Preserve. This
> reroute of PCT will allow public access and a much
> improved user
> experience in this wonderful region of California,"
> said Liz Bergeron,
> executive director of the Pacific Crest Trail
> Association.
> "The Tejon Ranch Preserve is a central part of
> our overall vision
> for the future of Tejon Ranch and is consistent with
> the Ranch's
> historic core values of conservation and good
> stewardship," said Bob
> Stine, president and chief executive officer of
> Tejon Ranch Co. "We
> believe the Tejon Ranch Vision, which also calls for
> continuing our
> historic ranching and farming operations and the
> limited development
> of about 5 percent of the Ranch over the next 25
> years, is a
> responsible and balanced plan for the future of
> Tejon Ranch and shows
> our commitment to preserving California's legacy and
> providing for
> California's future," Stine continued.
> Tejon Ranch Co. and TPL announced their
> partnership in 2003 to
> protect up to 100,000 acres of the Ranch. Following
> the announcement,
> TPL hired Michael Josselyn, Ph.D., an authority on
> Southern California
> natural resources and president of WRA Inc., of San
> Rafael, Calif., to
> lead a team of experts to evaluate the entire
> 270,000-acre Tejon Ranch
> and to design a 100,000-acre nature preserve.
> Dr. Josselyn and his team had exclusive, full
> access to Tejon
> Ranch's surveys and data and together with
> on-the-ground
> verifications, mapped important habitat areas of the
> ranch, including
> high-value, environmentally sensitive lands, and
> lands connecting key
> habitats, and identified key areas for permanent
> conservation using
> six conservation priorities: watershed integrity,
> biodiversity,
> landscape connectivity, special status plant
> species, special status
> wildlife and regionally underrepresented habitats.
> "We have designed a preserve using sound
> conservation principles
> and the best scientific knowledge we have to meet
> the needs of special
> habitat species and regional goals, including the
> protection of the
> California condor, the ranch's vast oak woodlands,
> and the unique
> biodiversity of Tejon Ranch," said Josselyn.
> Josselyn consulted with local and statewide
> environmental and
> biological experts, nonprofits, government agencies
> and others who
> have information important to the creation of the
> preserve. He also
> worked on the design of the science-based preserve
> with the project's
> Environmental Advisory Group, which includes Joel
> Reynolds, senior
> attorney at the Natural Resources Defense Council;
> Esther Feldman of
> Feldman and Associates; Professor Victoria Sork,
> Ph.D., chair of the
> Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at
> the University of
> California, Los Angeles; environmental attorney
> Carlyle Hall Jr. of
> the law firm Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld
> LLP, and Terri Stoller,
> co-founder of the Smart Growth Coalition of Kern
> County and a
> Bakersfield agribusiness owner.
> The Environmental Advisory Group was formed at
> the outset to
> provide Tejon Ranch and TPL with advice on how to
> enhance conservation
> planning efforts.
> "The next steps are to begin the appraisal
> process to determine
> the value of the land and then to seek funding to
> purchase it. Working
> together, we hope to protect the many sensitive
> habitat lands that are
> home to the California condor and the largest
> unspoiled oak woodland
> in the state, as well as the critical wildlife
> corridor that links the
> coast to the sequoias," Holderman added.
> TPL is a national land conservation organization
> dedicated to
> conserving land for people as parks, greenways,
> wilderness areas and
> natural, historic and cultural resources for future
> generations.
> Founded in 1972, TPL has protected more than two
> million acres
> nationwide.
> Tejon Ranch Co. is listed on the New York Stock
> Exchange under the
> symbol TRC. Its principal asset is the 270,000-acre
> Tejon Ranch, which
> is located approximately 60 miles north of Los
> Angeles and 30 miles
> south of Bakersfield. Founded in 1843 as several
> Mexican land grants,
> Tejon Ranch is now home to farming operations,
> cattle grazing, oil
> production, mining, recreational activities and
> limited development
> along the Interstate 5 corridor. More information is
> available at
> www.tejonranch.com.
> The statements contained herein, which are not
> historical facts,
> are forward-looking statements based on strategic
> plans, economic
> forecasts and other factors, which by their nature
> involve risk and
> uncertainties. In particular, among the factors that
> could cause
> eventual outcomes to differ materially from such
> statements are the
> following: results of scientific surveys and
> analyses, outcomes of
> negotiations, governmental decision-making,
> governmental fiscal
> conditions, business conditions and the general
> economy. For further
> information on factors that could affect Tejon Ranch
> Co., the reader
> should refer to its filings with the Securities and
> Exchange
> Commission.
> Editor's Note: High-resolution maps and graphics
> on Tejon Ranch
> Preserve are available for downloading by going to
> www.tejonranch.com/news/trpreserve.
> CONTACT: Tejon Ranch Co.
> Barry Zoeller, 661-663-4212
> or
> Trust for Public Land
> Mary Menees, 415-495-5660, Ext. 375
> Cell: 415-608-2645
> SOURCE: Tejon Ranch Co.
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