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[pct-l] Another Super Secret Outburst
- Subject: [pct-l] Another Super Secret Outburst
- From: waynekraft at verizon.net (Wayne Kraft)
- Date: Sun May 15 08:22:18 2005
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <Hiker97@aol.com>
> To:> Cc: <carolwbruno@yahoo.com>; <J.Hannah@marelich.com>
> Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 1:52 AM
> Subject: [pct-l] Another Super Secret Outburst
> .
>> ## Tell Time: This is another old trick. Use your fingers to tell how
>> much
>> sun light is left. Hold your hand out in front of you and then hold your
>> fingers parallel to the horizon and to the sun. Count how many fingers
>> there are.
>> Each finger equals 10-15 minutes. For example, three fingers would mean
>> there is 30-45 minutes left before the sun goes down. I have used this
>> for years
>> and it works pretty good. Now I do remember who told me this technique.
>> It
>> was John Muir.
>> Ye olde hiking buddy, Switchback
> Switchback:
> This works, of course, but it is important to add that one's arm must be
> fully extended -- a full arm's length in front of your eyes and count the
> number of your fingers that will fit between the top of the sun and the
> top of the horizon. This will tell you when the sun will disappear over
> the horizon. Depending on cloud cover, you'll still have a little more
> twilight after that. If your elbow is bent your clock will be off. We
> tried an experiment years ago with about a dozen hikers of widely varying
> shapes and sizes and the 15 minutes per finger formual was correct within
> a few percentage points. All of us came up with the same sunset forecast.
> So there you have it: Thickness of hands/fingers, length of arms,
> distance to horizon on planet Earth all in perfect geometrical sycnch.
> Are we not fearfully and wonderfully made?
> Wayne Kraft