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[pct-l] what's new on Hwy 2
I'm a bit confused on just where hikers are being stopped. I was under the
impression that Hwy 2 was open to Inspiration Point from the east and to
Islip Saddle from the west. Is it just hikers trying to roadwalk around
Baden Powell, or is my understanding incorrect? I hope to hike that area
sometime after March 23.
-----Original Message-----
Hikers that have made it through to Agua Dulce are saying that many quit
before Idyllwild. Also, the road crews and/or rangers are stopping hikers
trying to make it out off Wrightwood on Hwy 2. Hikers are having to sneak
by the crews to get through. The crews/rangers are concerned about the
significant landslide activity that occurred in the area, and that the
hillsides are unstable. Apparently it takes an average of 60 days after a
landslide for the hill to stabalize, but that is after rainfall. With the
snow situation, there is still moisture penetrating the ground, causing it
to remain soft and unstable. Only two or three hikers so far have made it
over Baden Powell, and most had to get off the PCT and take Hwy 2 to get
through. One of the hikers who hiked north from AD this morning confirmed
that the 21' snow drifts reported earlier were just the small ones, and a
conservative estimate.