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At 05:55 PM 5/6/05, Ed Gilroy wrote:
>Yep, I get that "national" point. I also hear you about local politicians.
>However, where are we going to be getting our forest products from and how
>are we going to be supplying forest/mining industry related jobs if we
>don't utilize the lands that congress, in its infinite wisdom (that oughta
>set somebody off), set aside a century ago, not only for recreation but
>for multiple use?
The vast majority of lumber cut off public lands near the west coast is
sold overseas. There are laws against that, but the laws contain loopholes
that effectively nullify them
Just like almost ALL the Alaskan Oil pumped out of the ground gets sold to
Asia. Pumping oil out of ANWAR would do nothing to help oil supplies in the
USA, since the oil would most likely be sold on the Asian Market, since it
is closer.
The cheap sale of National Resources to Timber companies amounts to
subsidies of multinational corporations by the US taxpayer, since the US
Government doesn't even cover the cost of administering the timber sales
and building the logging roads, when they sell a stand of timber.
Your tax dollar at work.