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[pct-l] Resupplies in the North Caascades
"Chris Willett" <CWillett@pierce.ctc.edu> writes:
>Stehekin north to the border is my favorite part of the Washington PCT, but pretty much everything from Snoqualmie north is great.
>Skykomish consists of a motel, a gas station, and a small store. I resupplied out of the gas station without difficulties in 2003. There is supposed to be another motel in town, but no one was
>around the afternoon I showed up. The restaurant there is closed, most unfortunately. Birdie and I got a hitch down in about 15 minutes, and a hitch up in about 40 minutes.
>Another option is to hitch east toward Leavenworth. Leavenworth is an awful tourist place, but it has a lot more stuff than Skykomish.
>Resupply in Stehekin is a little odd. There is a PO there where you should pick up your passport if you are planning to cross the border. I resupplied out of the hiker box (at the PO) and out of
>the camp store. A little thin. But, the awesome bakery can be used as well. I only needed 3 days of food at that point, so resupplying wasn't much of an issue. If the idea of packing out several
>pounds of baked treats doesn't sit well with you, send a box to Stehekin.
Hey Suge,
This was incredibly helpful.........as were all your comments in my dughter's copy of a wonderful binder book on the PCT sent to her by some cool lady who wrote up an incredible book of details.
I can't think fher name but you had quite a few entries in it. Lots of great info there.
I'm not sure what with job and marriage I'll ever be able to do an entire thru hike.....and the Snoqualamie to the north will be longest I've ever done........but it all seems pretty exciting.....a
bit daunting, though I am an experienced back packer. I guess I just have to take it one step at a time.
I have state of the art backpacking gear.......but state of the art for l967.....which means I need almost everything new because my stuff is heavy............wicking clothes, llightweight
tent/sleeping bag etc. Going to be a challenge to get all this stuff without breaking the bank. There are so many options. It's kinda like starting out as a novice again....but this time at age
55, almost 56.
Do you agree about hiking in running shoes? I run in New Balances.........will that be enough support? I'm used to boots!
Thanks again,
Geoffrey (Philadelphia)