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[pct-l] water caches
- Subject: [pct-l] water caches
- From: roni_h3000 at yahoo.com (roni h)
- Date: Sun May 1 11:55:37 2005
Not having water caches sucks. I had to do it on the CDT and it sucked. It sucked to have to drink water that smelled from cow urine, it sucked having to fish dead birds from cow trophs You call water sources, it sucked having to trespass and knock on a strangers doors because the last creek turned out to be dry. And it totaly, completly and utterly sucked to discover a dead rat floating in the last waterhole for 15 miles.
If any of you feel the "natural" way to hike the southern PCT is by relying on springs and water faucet Your more than welcome to follow Your philosophy.
Just please, please, don't discourage trail angels from maintaining water catches for the rest of us, who believe that relying on water caches insted of on springs in the dessert is just as natural as relying on grocery stores and maildrops insted of hunting Your own food.
Hiking the PCT is hard enough as it is. Those wonderfull and dedicated trail-angels, to whom all us hikers are so gratefull, just make it a little bit easier.
Roni (in Israel)
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