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[pct-l] Fridays night show

Hello Everybody,espeacially to the one that got all the answeres to Rattle Snake Bites, Did you all watch Tv last light ? that dude from Texas has all the answeres....! let me tell you Lone Star, that if you get bit by one,it well be the last time you get bit,one choise you might die, and the other choises are not very prety,if you saw a man OR lady in an emergancy roon being treated you WELL change your mind about not carrieing a snake bit kit,DONT YOU WATCH TV ?some time they have to split your skin open to releave the preassure,if they dont ,it well spilt on its own,MAN you in a world of HURT when you get bit by a poision snake,the very best handlers die,DONT YOU WATCH TV ?    and it dont stop there ,you have got to know just what your doing with a rattle snake kit,,,Here is what makes History,,,,a group of hikers head for the hills ,the big Texan bends over to go to the potty,and gets bit by a rattler,No,1, your just about ready to go through most tramatic experiance of your life,here you are on the trail ,bending over,and somebody is about to cut two Xs on your ass,and nobody knows what to do,No body took a first aid class,I am sure you all heard the joke about who your really good friend is couse he {or she] is about to suck the poision out,and you got bit on the Butt,inside the snake bit kit ,there is a sucktion cup,actually there are two,only your friend has 90 % chance of dieing,if he got bit by a good strong healthy rattler,,,,HEY Lone Star dude,,,,{Big Bend} go to a first aid class,and pay attention to the snake bite part, you well change your mind about carrieing a snake bite kit, the "Bulltaco"