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[pct-l] Snike bite Kit....!
Although I have done little hiking in California, I have been hanging around
Oregon for 53 years, including many trips to Eastern Oregon, river trips on
the Deschutes and the Rogue, several trips to the Owyhee and to Hells
Canyon. I have seen two live rattlesnakes, never heard one rattle, never
seen one coiled or angry. I've never met anyone who was snake bit that I
know of, but I did meet an old guy who spent nearly all his time on the
Owyhee Reservoir and who proudly displayed a welt from a fresh scorpion
bite. He treated it with copious quantities of Coors. My dad has killed a
few rattlers near his cabin, but they were all dead by the time I showed up.
I did hear of a guy near Agness, Oregon, a remote settlement on the Rogue
River, who was bit while doing farm work. He reportedly drank a quart of
milk, slept for a couple of days and went back to work. Weird Art Bernstein
has a weird story about being snake bit in his book, Weird Hikes, but Weird
Art believes there are a number of cryptozoological critters out there,
wrestled a bear in his sleep (or in a dream, hard to tell) and is
intimidated by deer, so you never know. I was injured in a train wreck in
northern Sweden, though. I fled to Denmark to recover. I don't watch much TV
since they cancelled Kung Fu but I will probably watch my daughter on
American Idol if she gets her wish. Personally, I'd rather be snake bit
than sing for Simon.
Wayne Kraft
> On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 23:48:55 EST, Bighummel@aol.com <Bighummel@aol.com>
> wrote:
>> Okay, in order to assess the reality of the risk and danger of getting
>> bit by
>> a rattlesnake, let's take a poll of all of those hikers who have a huge
>> collective of trail experience, and see how many have been bitten in all
>> of the
>> years of their backpacking, camping and hiking.
>> I have NEVER been even struck at by a
>> rattler and NEVER been bit.
>> Have ANY of you?
>> Greg
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