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[pct-l] Re: Is a groundcloth really necessary?

With a gound cloth, you always have a dry place to sit. 

When you sit down to cook, you can drag your stuff out
on the cloth and relax. Throw your z-rest down for more
luxury. It also helps keep your gear clean in dusty places.
That's everywhere it's not wet.

When it rains, water runs down-hill. :) On one memorable
occassion, I could see water running down-hill UNDER my 
ground sheet. (I use a tarp without a floor)

Do you need one? Nope, not if that what your hike requires.

I use a piece of 1.1oz silnylon, currently with 3K+ miles on
it. It weighs about 3oz. It has pin holes, but not ready for
retirement just yet.

On day hikes I carry a smaller one in a zip-lock sandwich
bag in my camelback. I always have a clean, dry place to 


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