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[pct-l] Entrance into Canada

I wrote "scruffy hiker" in that box.  The form was
returned with official approvals, no problems.  Not
even the Vancouver airport security folks raised an
eyebrow at that, although I was concerned about the
guy with the metal detecting wand and a rubber glove
hung over his belt.  Incidentally, I carried only a
California drivers license, no passport.

Larry H

--- StoneDancer1@aol.com wrote:

> I've just been filling out the Entrance Into Canada,
> Eh!  form.   Next to 
> height, weight, eye colour, and hair colour, there
> is a box entitled  
> "Appearance."  Is this a code word for "Race?" What
> are the appropriate  responses?  
> Semi-Ugly?  Human?  Old White Man?   Caucasian? 
> Pathetic?  Help me out, all those 
> who have o'erstepped  this barrier.  
> "No Way" Ray  Echols
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