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[pct-l] RE: naming your trail gear
My pack is named after one of the characters from the movie "Baseketball"
(no, that's not a misspelling), but due to the rules of propriety, I am not
a liberty to repeat it herein.
dry, dry, dry Ashland
-----Original Message-----
From: pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net
[mailto:pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net]On Behalf Of Elizabeth
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 6:03 PM
To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net; Mike Saenz
Subject: Re: [BULK] - [pct-l] gas stoves
I've already named my backpack. She is "Rocinante," the burden-bearer
of all great quixotic adventures!
Elizabeth, PCT 2005
Now THERE'S an idea! Give our gear trail names!!!!
Sort of like the Knights of old! King Arthur and Excalibur!
Aragorn and Anduril!
Billy Goat and his Cool Whip Bowl!!!!
My stove, I shall name you "NovaLight" "Flame of the Highlands"!
( I needed that laugh!)
M i c h a e l S a e n z
McLarand Vasquez Emsiek & Partners, Inc.
A r c h i t e c t u r e P l a n n i n g I n t e r i o r s
w w w . m v e - a r c h i t e c t s . c o m
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