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[pct-l] 2005 revision of "Yogi's PCT Handbook"

blisterfree is absolutely correct...if any doubt go take a look at the 
LIES was in the topic and it was very very inflamatory...and untoward and 
just plain not nice!

Ya know yogi..maybe you send him a copy for free just to "fight" his 
terrible rhetoric and 'tude-
with a "supreme" act of kindness...or everyone here chip in a buck to buy that
person a copy! Poetic justice is what I like...it is gentler on the soul...

BTW- even paying for the pdf is a bad idea...'cause now it is 
electronic/digital and
all kinds of media/theft perversions can be done to it...some things are 
meant to be and stay in print...
I do not think we will ever loose that option even 500 years from now when 
we will
have mega-terrra-terra-terra byte memories (that is more data than was 
every written in recorded
history if I have 10 followed by sufficient zeroes...the size of a popcorn 
kernel (molecular memory)
and computers optionally implanted in us to augment our memory and have 
available data...(If you think an iPod with 1000 songs is somethin' wait 10 
years!!) or imagine that
10 years ago when you had a just a cd player with a 4 inch plastic disk and 
11 songs on it!!!

No yogi..you done good! (my order is awaiting you to say the update is 



At 11:02 AM 2/18/2005, Brett wrote:
>>Don't know how folks got so sideways on this message.  He never said not 
>>to charge for the PDF.  It would just save Yogi money not to have to 
>>print and mail, and she's already using PayPal.  Makes perfect sense to me.
>C'mon now. The guy posted a version of the above subject heading pretexted 
>with the word "LIES." And the original question, even if well intended 
>(which experience seems to disprove) was something best suited to off-list 
>discussion. How embarrassing and unnecessarily personal a suggestion to 
>make in a public forum, thus all but requiring a public response from Yogi 
>in defense of her position. It's a logic trap. Scott seems to feed off 
>this sort of thing. Recall his public commentary about my convictions 
>being as soft as jello. Out of the blue, just for the sake of provocation. 
>With a track record like that, how can anyone believe his motivations are 
>anything but perverse?
>- blisterfree
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