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[pct-l] 2005 revision of "Yogi's PCT Handbook"

We are either a very pathetic group or have a very bad case of cabin fever
to make such an issue over whether someone's book should be free on the
internet or sold on paper. Yogi has made her choice and we should respect

I do understand her concern about how it could lose integrity if made
available on the net. It has happened to me on a scout radio merit badge
site and to friends as well. Neither of us has lost anything, but the world
has because the copycats and imitations are incomplete, not maintained, and
cause confusion for those looking for our more definitive sites. It would be
better for all if those wanting to copy our (and Yogi's) work would instead
contribute their input to our work.

I think it's time we took a few days off the internet and went hiking... 
